Asking Questions

Alongside objecting (see at the bottom) everyone has the right to ask questions of council representatives and councillors. 

Below is a list of councillors, MP's and other organisations to write to to ask questions or for help. We must question how this has been planned and executed alongside asking for more information around our objections. 

There are a number of areas where we can raise concerns. If you know of any not detailed below please get in touch and we will add them here. 

  • The potential further contamination of our water supply which is already rated poor and high in nitrates. The 100m area is very close to an adit which feeds Waterhall pumping station

  • The poor public consultation provided by Royal Mail - 96 attendees to two webinars where residents were not allowed to speak and questions were not answered and ignored. Many Patcham residents are completely unaware that this is happening. 

  • The traffic survey this was completed in lockdown and is in no way a true representation of the levels of traffic at the junction and adjoining roundabout. On the council's own site schedule traffic is mentioned as one of the main planning issues - "Developers are strongly advised to discuss their proposals with the Highways Agency as traffic stacking issues occur at peak hours close to the A27/A23 junction."

  • Another one of the main planning issues noted by the council on the above schedule is that it is directly over the road from the boundary of the conservation area.

  • Protected species, in particular slow worms which are on the site, at the allotments and across the whole area. These caused a delay for other recent developments close to the site. How are these being protected? There is also mice and no study is provided into these. The recent Toad Hole development has required specific corridors for dormice.

  • The site is overdeveloped in the plan

  • The Royal Mail have consulted with Patcham residents (96 of us on a webinar) based on levels of activity now that will be transferred from the Hove and Brighton sorting offices. However trucks and vans will increase as Royal Mail implement their ambitions to increase parcel delivery and take business from their competitors. They have consulted on and put in planning for how the site will be used in the immediacy and not their future ones which are in their business strategy.

  • Increased pollution levels

People To Contact To Ask Questions

The Brighton & Hove Council Cabinet Councillors





Bella Sankey

 Leader of the Council / Cabinet Chairwoman


Jacob Taylor

Deputy Leader of the Council

Cabinet member for finance and city regeneration


Gill Williams

Deputy Leader of the Council

Cabinet member for housing and new homes


Emma Daniel

Cabinet member for children, families and youth services


Tristram Burden

Cabinet member for adult social care and service transformation


Tim Rowkins

Cabinet member for net zero and environmental services


Trevor Muten

Cabinet member for transport, parking and public realm


Leslie Pumm

Cabinet member for communities, equalities and human rights


Birgit Miller

Cabinet member for culture, heritage and tourism


Alan Robins

Cabinet member for sports and recreation


Who Are The Policy & Resources Committee?

The Policy & Resources Committee make the decision to grant the long leasehold to Royal Mail. We understand this leasehold will be for a 75 year period. A large lump sum is involved followed lease payments. The planning application details that the proposed building will have a 50 year life span so it is also a question for what will happen with the site for the remaining 25 years?

The Policy and Resources Committee were due to make this decision on Friday 29th July but this was pulled from the agenda beforehand. It is planned to return for a decision before planning is decided. 

At present Labour are against the proposals for the affordable housing at the vacated sites in Brighton and Hove but this may change so pressure needs to be maintained. 

Our own Councillor Alistair McNair was due to speak at this committee meeting to make the case against the lease. Anne Meadows our other Councillor is also working with Alistair to give us a voice at the council. 

Like you, we in the Labour Group have a range of concerns about the intended sale of the Patcham Court Farm site. We don’t think the Council are doing enough to secure sites for genuinely affordable homes in return, and we think the entire approach has been about short term gain, and needs a rethink.

Thanks to the pressure we’ve put on the Green administration, they have now decided to withdraw their proposals to sell Patcham Court Farm (which were due to come before Policy & Resources Committee this afternoon). We welcome them going away to think things through more carefully before bringing plans before committee, and we will continue to monitor this situation closely.

Kind regards


John Alcock, Co-Leader of Labour Opposition

Other People To Contact





Liz Hobden

Head of Planning


Ben Daines

Planning Officer


Jane Moseley

Planning Manager

Development Management - East

City Development and Regeneration


Caroline Lucas

MP For Brighton Pavilion


Russell Brown

Planning Officer



The decision deadline is 10th August 2022

The Royal Mail want to relocate two delivery offices based in Brighton and Hove to Patcham Court Farm located on Vale Avenue in Patcham Village.

The Royal Mail conveniently submitted this Planning Application (BH2022/02232) while most people are busy on their Summer Holidays!

We are against this for just some of the reasons as listed below...

  1. Entrance on Vale Avenue on busy bypass exit road
  2. Risk of poisoning water supply
  3. Increased risk of flooding to Old London Road
  4. Directly over the road from the Patcham Conservation Area
  5. Approximately 200-300 staff and only 80 car parking spaces
  6. Loss of habitat for Slow Worms, Adders, Bats and Owls (all protected)
  7. Huge rise in 24 hour traffic 
  8. Huge rise in 24 hour heavy goods lorries
  9. Huge rise in air and noise pollution
  10. Huge rise in light pollution
  11. Destroy quiet residential area
  12. Sleep deprivation of local residents
  13. Danger to residents and children

To submit your objection online go to

Enter planning reference number BH2022/02232. Click on Comments and then the button "Make a Comment".

This link should also take you directly to the application:

You must file your objections as soon as possible. If you do not have internet access please send your objections to the council for the attention of Ben Daines, Planning Policy Team, City Development & Regeneration, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ

The following planning officers can also be emailed directly with questions and concerns and they are obligated to respond. We need to make it clear that Patcham is objecting and the more objections the more likely we are to achieve a successful outcome for us all.

The principle planning officer is Ben Daines or Jane Mosely at or Russell Brown at

It is a per household objection but everyone can ask questions of our councillors and the planning team. 



We need as many residents as possible at the proposed site on Sunday 31st at 11.30am for a photo to show there is a lot of support against this development. 


Join our campaign Facebook group for local residents to keep in the loop and help us fight Royal Mail and Brighton & Hove Council


More information is being added daily, please check back soon.